Saturday, April 5, 2008

Two Days in a row!!!

Finally, after working and working with Reagan to take a bottle- after refusing it for 12 whole weeks, she took the bottle!  Friday I was cleaning out her closet and came across a new bottle that had not been attempted (we have tried everything) and realizing it was a different bottle nipple, I thought I would give it a try.... after her afternoon nap, while still a bit groggy, I popped the bottle in her mouth and without any fight at all, she drank 2.5 ounces! I was shocked!  I made up another bottle quickly, to give her more, and she refused it! UGH! So, Sat. afternoon rolls around, and again after a nap, I popped the bottle in (seen in the pics) and this time she drank 3 ounces!!  I was so thrilled! so I packed a bottle, for while we were out (hoping we were on some kind of roll) and when she got hungry, she refused it again!  Thought we'd be able to trick her, but I guess not! But, keep the prayers coming that she'll take one someday!  Mama would love that! ;)

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