Thursday, June 19, 2008

6 month Birthday Today!!!

I totally can not believe that my little baby is now 6 months old today!  

It hasn't been the best day for her so far- this morning I took her in to the Dr. for her 6 month check-up and she had 4 shots in her little legs.  :(  She did not like that one bit, but, we gave her office an autographed copy of her picture in the magazine laminated! 
And the fun part about the check-up for me is to find how much she has grown!  She weighed 14.10 pounds and 27 1/4 inches long!!  Her Dr. was very pleased with her growth patterns.  She said she is most likely going to be tall and slender.  She has doubled her birth weight (which is amazing to me) and that is the most important thing at a 6 month visit, and she grew nearly 2 inches in length in the past two months!  Everything on the growth chart is right on track, and the Dr. gave us the OK to start apple sauce (mixed in the cereal), diluted juices, and a new fruit and or veggie every 2-3 days!  :)  This means she is an official "big" girl now!  My goodness!   
We also had another "teething" episode until late last night and this afternoon while at the Dr. we noticed that her bottom tooth number 2 is on its way out of the gums!  I will continue to keep everyone posted on when that comes through!  (And I'll try to get a picture of these teeth, but its hard to get!)


Anonymous said...

Mama Chance had to hold me down on the table at the doctor's office while I screamed at the top of my lungs when I was 5 and had to get a shot haha. So look forward to that :) I hope Reagan is less of a terror than I was!

Mommy & Me said...

Great growing big girl! Long and slender like her Momma but with Dad's mug will she ever get call backs? Haha just kidding Adam! She is growing more beautiful every day.

Misty Rice said...

Happy Birthday Reagan....

I can't believe she only weighs 14 lbs and something for Morgan is 9 weeks old and she weighs 13 lbs and something. Now that is scary!!!

Hey keep me in your prayers I am going through some stuff.

Thanks girl.