Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another awesome day at Universal Studios!

We loved the BALL PIT, and I love how colorful these pictures turned out! Too Sweet!
*Please double click this picture above and look at how funny it is that Carter and I are TWINS! EXACTLY TWINS! Hilarious!

Reagan's love for the characters still stands, AS LONG AS SHE IS IN HER STROLLER! If you double click the above picture next to Barney she is GRABBING onto me BIG TIME! As we were walking up to see them, she about jumped out of her stroller, but when I took her out, she was a little hesitant.
In the picture below with Marge Simpson she was happy to hold her hand, while in the stroller. (And she has NEVER seen her before, I can't stand The Simpsons!!, but she loved her! HAHA!) 

1 comment:

La Familia Crespo said...

Love the ball pit! I'm sure they had a blast, and you're right, it makes for a very colorful and bright pictures.