Saturday, June 21, 2008

If this doesn't look like Adam, I don't know what does!

Adam caught some good pictures of Reagan last night on her adorable quilt made by her great Aunt Carol (We love our quilt Aunt Carol, Thank you!!)
This picture just looks identical to Adam, it's scary! Adam was so nice to babysit Reagan last night while I went out to dinner to Season's 52 with some girlfriends for my birthday (June 21st)  Bless his heart though, I left him at the house with a screaming baby, and knew it would last awhile (her second tooth broke through last night) - so it was a rough night for him to say the least, I'm sure!  He was a wonderful sport, along with all the other daddy's that babysat while their wives went to dinner for my birthday!  Thanks Dads!!!!  It was fun to get out with the girls without babies- funny thing was, I had never seen them without their kids!  Weird, but a much needed get away!  ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

UGGGGGH Happy Birthday LATE! I am not good at remembering things on weekends :/ AH! But there is a card in the mail :) I miss you so much I hope you had a great birthday!!!!