Friday, June 6, 2008

Cups, Cups and MORE Cups!

These are a couple pictures of her with her cups!  Now that she is a "big girl," sitting up- I am in the process of starting on a cup!  She is very head-strong (like I am) and wants to be able to hold it. So, Thank You, Jenny- for this little pink sippy cup- she likes to play with i,t so that is a start!  :) 

But the story behind the BIG cup is, that it is one of her favorites!  (This is a cup I got from the Winnie Palmer Hospital when she was born) But, ever since she could see longer distances (from the bed to the nightstand) she was always looking at this cup, (and she was a tiny baby when she started noticing it!)  Now she grabs for it, and Adam and I think it is so funny when she holds it, or tries to get water out of it, b/c it is bigger than she is!  :)

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